Saturday, May 30, 2009

A BUSY weekend ...

This was one of those weekends when one gets hardly a moment's rest ...

Admittedly I didn't get up when I would like to have Saturday. But as soon as I did get up I ended up in the church helping with decorating for Pentecost. (a HUGE shout-out to the wonderful Environment & Art people who have taken charge of ensuring that the church is properly 'decked out' for each Liturgical Season!)

In the midst of the morning decorating I was thrilled to learn that we would be able to unveil the refurbished baptismal font (from the old St. John Church) in conjunction with the celebration of Pentecost. The font ended up looking far better than I could have ever imagined when first I saw it, decrepit and seemingly beyond help, in the church basement. My heartfelt thanks to Tim Babyak and his collaborators who loving restored and renewed this treasure from our past. (You can see pics of the font on the St. John web site or on my Facebook page.)

I next had a 2 PM wedding Mass. There I finally got the ammunition necessary to declare verboten that carryover from medieval times known as the crash, or runner. First, the young girl who proclaimed the second reading tripped over it when she was returning to the pew. Then I got mucked up in it and nearly fell over when I was preaching. It was so bad that in the middle of the homily groomsmen got rid of it. I could barely contain my glee as I HATE the idiotic thing and have been LONGING for the day that it would become nothing but an embarrassment to the the bride. Many Dioceses forbid it outright as an insurance liability; I shall now follow suit.

I barely had time to put the church back in order and check my email before it was time for confessions and then the Vigil Mass of Pentecost. Mass was followed by a potluck dinner -well attended! - in the parish Social Centre, and then Alabaster Production's presentation of Magdalene. The show was quite thought provoking; unfortunately the young people who need the message presented were lacking. I immediately decided that it would be a good move to try to get the show at Geibel next year. Even though I know 95% of the students would mock it (the performer told me after wards that the rudest audience she ever experience was at Greensburg Central Catholic) I can't help thinking that if even handful of students can be reached it will be well worth it.

This morning began with the graduates Mass at 10 AM, which featured our Youth Band. Immediately following was a luncheon for our graduates and their families. I then went to the graduation party for one of our college graduates, the girlfriend of one of the members of the youth band. It seemed like half the parish was there! My predecessor, Fr. John Euker, stopped by, and I was able to show him the new font. Which of course I was quite excited to do!

When I returned from the party I worked on de-Easterizing the church. I made sure to pray Vespers before I did to much, so that I would mark the official end of the Easter Season and the return of Ordinary Time. The day concluded with some parishioners coming by to watch the Pens game, which, sadly, they lost.

And now, after spending some time posting pics to facebook (check out there the album of pics I took of the church this eve before the de-Easterizing), I am blogging. I need to get in the discipline of doing this more frequently!

Saturday, May 23, 2009


Just finished today's wedding. I remembered the air-conditioning this time. No lost bride!

Ascension Follow-up

I was falling asleep when I posted last and It just occurred to me that I didn't finish what I had intended to say ...

When I commented about marveling about how may mind works I wasn't trying to "pat myself on the back." I had meant to continue with the observation that when those perfect ideas pop into my head it is obviously the work of the Holy Spirit and in the final analysis has nothing to do with me.

In the days between the Ascension and Pentecost, as the Church awaits the celebration of the first effusion of the Spirit, it seems very appropriate to acknowledge the Paraclete's action in our own lives.

Thursday, May 21, 2009


It amazes me (perhaps it should frighten me!) how my mind works. Last night I was running around at Geibel preparing for 8th Grade Graduation when a song popped into my head. And it was the perfect song for Ascension. (The Graduation Mass was the Anticipated Mass for Ascension; in the Province of Pennsylvania, a well as the rest of the northeastern US the Holy Day is not transferred to the 7th Sunday of Easter. Thank God!) I had already planned on focusing my homily on the idea that just as Jesus ascended to Heaven the 8th graders were ascending to a new life. Then, out of nowhere, I started singing this song to myself. It didn't take me long to realize that it was perfect for the Solemnity ... and the graduation.

What was the song, you are by now no doubt wondering. (Unless, of course, you were at Mass today.) Well, I can't remember the name, and I had to google the singer, but the words that came to me were "Your love has lifted me higher than I've ever been lifted before." The Cliff Notes version of the homily that ensued: It was the love of the Father that lifted Jesus to Heaven and we must allow that same love to lift us higher. In this life, moving beyond the self-centeredness that has resulted from The Fall. And ultimately being lifted up to were Christ has gone ahead of us.

Last night I directed the message particularly to the graduates as they enter High School. Today I was able to use the same idea both in my two parish Masses and the school Mass at Geibel.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009


Three Masses today. Morning Mass in the parish at 8:30 AM. Then a Spanish Mass at St. Sebastian at 9:30 (which I managed to get through unscathed). Then Graduation Mass for Geibel 8th Grade at 6:30.

Tomorrow the same thing ... parish Masses at 8:30 and 6:00 and Geibel Mass at 10:30.

I was worried about the Spanish Mass; I haven't studied Spanish for 26 years. It went well, fortunately. And as long as there weren't any native speakers there my mistakes shouldn't have been all that obvious! My biggest concern when doing such things (I have periodically done Spanish Masses in the past) is that I get "tired" and my pronunciation goes steadily down hill. I made the spur-of-the-moment decision to chant the Eucharistic Prayer. I reasoned that chanting it would slow it down and help me to get the pronunciation correct.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Why I LOVE The Internet

Every now and then I get unsolicited email. From persons who are, too put it mildly, vicious. The sad thing is that they imagine themselves to be exemplary Catholics. I post this recent missive to illustrate the point. Not sure what these "clown masses" about which these nuts keep ranting. I have never experienced such a travesty. And I certainly wouldn't participate in such a sacrilege; the Eucharistic Liturgy is way too Sacred to mock like that!

Anyways, for your amusement:

Name=Bernie McGinniss
Subject=punk priest?
Comments=Dear Father - After hearing about you and seeing your website I am shocked. Maybe its growing up with the most loving parents who had a mystical Holy love for the Roman Catholic Church and The fact that I became a Marine. I became a Recon Marine and spent over 10 years in my beloved Corps. You make a mockery of the Sacred Priesthood and it seems that you can not except that reverence and tradiction is part of the Holy Priesthood. It is people like you and I speak of the dress and manner of actions that only confuse the catholic of today. I have seen my church go from 25 families to over 400 families in less then a year. After a while people realize that clown masses, rock music, and priest who rather be the headliner are leading them away from the One True Faith. There is no tradition, no holiness, no discipline and the people of God want a sacred holy mass a mass that gives glory to God and not the priest. Yes, by now you know that I attend the Latin Mass. The Novas Order Mass can be beautiful like on EWTN and I would attend this Mass. My wife who is a convert from the start without me telling her what Mass I attend she went to a local Catholic Church and then attended Mass with me as we were dating and stated that the Mass that we went to together was more Holy and fitting for the praise and glory of God. The words and action of the Priest reflexed a mystical prayer to God. My wife is black and was a Pentecostal member. By the grace of the Holy Sprit she picked up our faith faster then a Marine picks up his rifle. I know this e-mail will not change you so I pray that you see that the glory, praise and attention goes to God rather then you due to your way of punk life style. It's not about you it's about bring people to the One True Faith.

Wedding Blues

Well, it was bound to happen eventually. I mean, I've been a priest for 13 years now. Surprised it didn't happen sooner. I finally lost a bride. Not once, but twice. Years ago I ha a 'Best Woman' faint. But never a bride. Until today that is. Fortunately she was kneeling down both times so it wasn't as bad as it could have been.
I felt very bad because ultimately I guess it was my fault. It is so early in the season that I am not yet in "air-conditioning" mode and I never thought to turn it on. I didn't think it was all that hot, but then I wasn't wearing a wedding dress!

All's well that ends well, though. Post-Mass formalities (receiving line and pictures) proceeded without incident and I have no doubt that as I type this the newlyweds are dancing the night away.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Mimosas for Moms

We had quite a full house yesterday for the morning Mass, which Fr. Jim celebrated. (The second Sunday of the month is switcheroo Sunday ... I go to Smock, Fr. Vince goes to Grindstone, and Fr. Jim comes here and also goes to Brownsville.) I'm not quite sure why we were standing-room-only. Perhaps Fr. Jim's statement in the homily that many were there to "make mom happy" contained more than an once of truth!

Whatever the case, it was nice to have an overflowing crowd. It was even nicer to see so many stick around afterwards for coffee, doughnuts, and - as promised - mimosas. I had two baptisms so I wasn't able to stay outside for the festivities very long before I had to go back into the church. The little I did experience certainly warmed my heart!

The most gratifying element of the two Mother's Day receptions was the number of people who remarked that we need to do more things like this. A sign that people are hungry for more community!

Saturday, May 9, 2009


Ok ... it has taken awhile but I am finally getting around to writing on the blog.

So I begin with the wonderful evening we had today.  To celebrate Mother's Day we had a Wine and Cheese reception outside the church after the 4:30 Mass.  The sun came out and the wind died down just as Mass ended ensuring perfect weather.  I have to say that I was very happy with the number of people who stuck around.  I hope to see more such events in the parish.  Definitely seems that the people are receptive.