I urge everyone to read "Illicit Celibacy and the Deposit of Faith" by Edgar Davie, a Roman Catholic layman and retired father of 7 grown children. It is the best book I've read about the Christian faith, outside of the bible.
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Food For Thought
I urge everyone to read "Illicit Celibacy and the Deposit of Faith" by Edgar Davie, a Roman Catholic layman and retired father of 7 grown children. It is the best book I've read about the Christian faith, outside of the bible.
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
St. Peter on the Water
“Lord, if it is you, command me to come to you on the water.” He said, “Come.” Peter got out of the boat and began to walk on the water toward Jesus. But when he saw how strong the wind was he became frightened; and, beginning to sink, he cried out, “Lord, save me!” Immediately Jesus stretched out his hand and caught him, and said to him, “O you of little faith, why did you doubt?”
When we hear this well-known vignette it is very tempting to immediately focus on St. Peter's weak faith. I would argue that we miss the point by directing our attention to this point. I would rather admire Peter for having the courage to get out of the boat in the first place! After all, that took considerable courage - and faith. Yes, once out on the water he floundered. Without hesitation, though, he cried out to the Lord. And Jesus readily reached out His hand and saved Peter, with but a gentle rebuke issuing from His lips.
We need to follow Peter's example and allow ourselves to get out of the boat and walk towards the Lord. Will we, like Peter, start to flounder and sink? Undoubtedly! But that is not the point. Once out of the boat we simply need to cry out to the Lord and know that He is at our side, always ready to stretch out a loving hand and save us.
If we never even get out of the boat we will never get anywhere. Then we will really deserve the Lord's rebuke!
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Malta Thoughts ...
Monday, July 27, 2009
Hate Mail From Malta Part II
And let's not even bring up the whole "massage of God' thing. Not sure what's up with that.
I challenge you to post this here e-mail on your website.
Do you not think that this is displeasing to Christ this, punk priest lifestyle. So Saint Paul used pagan poets, but he did that to send out his message: you on the other hand do not do it to send the massage of God. You do it to seem famous, as an excuse to listen to rock music.
What about the picture of those newly weds on your website? Don't you think that the bride is wearing clothing that is improper in front of Jesus in the Eucharist?
And the bookshelf? I found no True devotion to the Blessed Virign, no Secret of the Rosary, no Glories of Mary, no Imitation of Christ, no story of a soul and no famous spiritual books. In fact, the Blessed Mother seems to be missing on your website. She is scarcely mentioned and if our Lady is mentioned, it is only to name a feast or a parish or to show a picture of the Holy Family.
And how is your example supposed to make the little one's love Jesus and Mary? Why don't you spread the message of our Lady of Fátima? Or preaching the Rosary and the Brown scapular. You know what Saint Louis de Montfort said'' To Jesus through Mary!". In fact devotion to our Blessed Mother is the thing that pleases Jesus the most, even more than the Eucharist!
Please give me an answer.
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Monday, July 20, 2009
A Sign?

Ministry Moments
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Festival Review
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Tomorrow, tomorrow...
As I sit in my summer office (the porch or, more accurately, stoop) typing this I am amazed at how cool it is getting. A good omen for tomorrow I trust.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
God bless Mrs. Melenyzer!
Friday afternoon I had gone on the Yough River Trail with my classmate, Fr. Mike Sikon. When I returned to the office I noticed that there was a thick business-size envelope on my chair (the place where my erstwhile secretary places my mail and messages so that i don't miss them). From a distance it looked like any envelope from the Marriage Tribunal containing marriage papers. the only problem - I didn't have any papers outstanding. Upon closer inspection I saw that this mysterious envelope was posted from a law office. I immediately thought to myself "Self, what comes in a thick envelope from a lawyer's office? Wills of course! " (Call me an eternal optimist but the other possibility - lawsuits - never crossed my mind.)
Please keep Rose, her family, and her intentions, in your prayers. Her memory will most certainly always be honoured here at St. John's!
Give her eternal rest O Lord
and may perpetual Light shine upon her.
May her soul and the souls of all the faithful departed rest in peace.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
I'm bad at this!
LOTS of exciting things this past week, as I am sure that you have already read elsewhere on the web site. The first phase of The Baptist's Garden (or whatever we ultimately choose to call it) has been completed. The Statue of John the Baptist - from the original church, meaning it is over 100 years old - forms the centrepiece. I just hope we have adequately weatherproofed him. Certainly he will need to come in for the winter. The sanctuary has also been painted, to mixed reviews of course. Any major environmental change like that will take time for some people to accept. I did hear lots of positive remarks, though.
Feel free to let me know what you think. I can take constructive criticism and contrary opinions! Just realize that if you have only seen the pictures on this site, you aren't getting the full effect. In my humble opinion, it looks much better in person!
As always, I can be reached at thepunkpriest@gmail.com.
God bless!
Thursday, July 2, 2009
The Garden of the Baptist

Today's hate mail ...
Name=Daniel Johnston
Subject=On your priestliness
Comments=Excuse me for being so rude but, is this not blasphemous. This is not the conduct of a priest who should be working for God to please him and not the world. What do you think Jesus is saying when he is seeing you making a mockery of the mass with rock songs and all. Were rock songs present at Calvarly? No!
And I can see that you are not a Marian devottee because, if you were, you would be doing this outrage. I suggest saying the Rosary everyday with attention and meditationg on the mysteries. Read Saint Louis de Montforts book, Secret of the Rosary, and Saint Alphonsus ligouri's book, The Glories of Mary and The Same Louis de Montfort's book, True Devotion. I also see that Mary is not present on your website.
Fix this outrage immediatly!
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Father's Day (Part II)
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Father's Day Bash

Tonight's "Beer and Brats Bash" in honour of Father's Day went over reasonably well after Mass. I think we had more people stick around for the Mother's Day gathering but others disputed that suggesting that the location we chose tonight allowed us to be more spread out than last time. Whatever the case may be those who stuck around definitely enjoyed themselves. And I had the pleasure of meeting a young family who is returning to the parish after a number of years away. God is doing wonderful things at Saint John Parish ... I am so excited - and humbled - to be a part of His work here!
Monday, June 15, 2009
From several years ago ...
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Famous Parishioners!
Perhaps he can start a St. John's golf team ...
Web Site Worth It?
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Friday, June 5, 2009
Lots going on!
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Nice letter ...
Father Bob:
Monday, June 1, 2009
A preview of next weekend's bulletin ...
AIR-CONDITIONING As we head into the summer months the age-old battle between those who are "too hot" and those who are "too cold" heats up (bad pun intended). This past Sunday I understand that there were complaints because the air conditioning was in use. Considering that the Church was packed and that Mass would be somewhat longer than normal because it was a) Pentecost, b) graduates' recognition, and c) the Youth Mass, I believed that it would get uncomfortably hot if the air were not employed. I know that I was sweating like a stuffed pig walking down the aisle at the beginning of Mass, before the church had cooled. (I didn't turn it on until right before Mass.)
I have learned over the years that I will NEVER make everyone happy; it will always be too hot or too cold for some no matter what. However, I have always approached the issue from this point of view: when we are too hot, we can't in church strip down to our skivvies (or less!) but when we are too cold we CAN choose to wear additional clothing. So it seems that when it is going to be warm it makes most sense to use the air conditioning and trust that those who think it may be too cool for them to have the common sense to dress appropriately. Obviously this past weekend was the exception because we are at the very beginning of the warm season and people may not have yet expected the air conditioning to be in use. From this point on, though, it is reasonable to expect it to be used unless it is unseasonably cool. And if there is doubt one can always bring a sweater just in case!
SPEAKING OF MASS BEING LONGER THAN NORMAL ... Another no win situation! There will be people who would complain if the priest had them in and out in twenty minutes! Not quite sure why those types (a very tiny minority I trust!) even bother. My personal philosophy has always been that I have an hour. If I use less than that, great. If I consistently go over an hour there is a problem and I am showing disrespect toward my people. However, there WILL be times when it is to be assumed that Mass will exceed an hour. The High Holy Days of our faith - Easter, Christmas, Epiphany, Pentecost, to name a few. Masses where sacraments are being administered. (Although I have always tried my best to keep Masses where a Baptism is taking place to no more than an hour by shortening the homily.) And a few other times when circumstances make it very difficult NOT to go longer, for example when we are obliged to read a twenty minute-long letter from the Bishop. Generally, though, I try my best not to exceed that magical one-hour limit.
It is a little different now for me, being a pastor, and the only priest regularly celebrating. (We have Fr. Jim, of course, but he usually celebrates at St. John only one Mass a month.) In my past assignments as an assistant it seemed that I was with priests who tended to preach longer than I so no matter how long I yammered on I was always the one with the "shorter Mass." I kind of miss those stress-free days!
Saturday, May 30, 2009
A BUSY weekend ...
And now, after spending some time posting pics to facebook (check out there the album of pics I took of the church this eve before the de-Easterizing), I am blogging. I need to get in the discipline of doing this more frequently!
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Ascension Follow-up
When I commented about marveling about how may mind works I wasn't trying to "pat myself on the back." I had meant to continue with the observation that when those perfect ideas pop into my head it is obviously the work of the Holy Spirit and in the final analysis has nothing to do with me.
Thursday, May 21, 2009
What was the song, you are by now no doubt wondering. (Unless, of course, you were at Mass today.) Well, I can't remember the name, and I had to google the singer, but the words that came to me were "Your love has lifted me higher than I've ever been lifted before." The Cliff Notes version of the homily that ensued: It was the love of the Father that lifted Jesus to Heaven and we must allow that same love to lift us higher. In this life, moving beyond the self-centeredness that has resulted from The Fall. And ultimately being lifted up to were Christ has gone ahead of us.
Last night I directed the message particularly to the graduates as they enter High School. Today I was able to use the same idea both in my two parish Masses and the school Mass at Geibel.
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Why I LOVE The Internet
Anyways, for your amusement:
Name=Bernie McGinniss
Subject=punk priest?
Wedding Blues
Monday, May 11, 2009
Mimosas for Moms
Whatever the case, it was nice to have an overflowing crowd. It was even nicer to see so many stick around afterwards for coffee, doughnuts, and - as promised - mimosas. I had two baptisms so I wasn't able to stay outside for the festivities very long before I had to go back into the church. The little I did experience certainly warmed my heart!
The most gratifying element of the two Mother's Day receptions was the number of people who remarked that we need to do more things like this. A sign that people are hungry for more community!
Saturday, May 9, 2009
So I begin with the wonderful evening we had today. To celebrate Mother's Day we had a Wine and Cheese reception outside the church after the 4:30 Mass. The sun came out and the wind died down just as Mass ended ensuring perfect weather. I have to say that I was very happy with the number of people who stuck around. I hope to see more such events in the parish. Definitely seems that the people are receptive.