Sometime around 5 this afternoon I visited my 9th communion call of the day. I had done 5 this morning after Mass and before heading off for a few hours of fun hauling stuff to Geibel. Then after visiting the funeral home for a Vigil Service I managed 4 more. Beverly was the last of the day. In the course of our conversation she asked if I would be interested in an angel or two. She had been collecting Roman's Seraphim Angel figurines and had amasses quite a collection (hundreds by my reckoning). She decided it was time to "cull the herd" and wanted to dispose of all but her favourites. I was happy to take her up on her offer and after perusing the proffered selection chose a beautiful trumpet-blowing angel named Annalisa. I was happy to take one of the angels because my mother collected them as well. However, it wasn't until that moment that it struck me that this very day was the eve of the tenth anniversary of her passing from this earthly life. How appropriate to be offered such a gift today of all days! And I could not help but take comfort in the fact that this particular figurine was titled
Joyful Spirit.