Monday, May 11, 2009

Mimosas for Moms

We had quite a full house yesterday for the morning Mass, which Fr. Jim celebrated. (The second Sunday of the month is switcheroo Sunday ... I go to Smock, Fr. Vince goes to Grindstone, and Fr. Jim comes here and also goes to Brownsville.) I'm not quite sure why we were standing-room-only. Perhaps Fr. Jim's statement in the homily that many were there to "make mom happy" contained more than an once of truth!

Whatever the case, it was nice to have an overflowing crowd. It was even nicer to see so many stick around afterwards for coffee, doughnuts, and - as promised - mimosas. I had two baptisms so I wasn't able to stay outside for the festivities very long before I had to go back into the church. The little I did experience certainly warmed my heart!

The most gratifying element of the two Mother's Day receptions was the number of people who remarked that we need to do more things like this. A sign that people are hungry for more community!