Wednesday, July 29, 2009


I am glad that I took the time yesterday to visit former parishioners in Latrobe. All the visits were great, but the last brief one touched my heart the most. I stopped by to see a woman whom I regularly visited on First Fridays. Normally I wouldn't accede to a request that I come on a particular day, but "Ella" was especial. I still remember my first First Friday visit; she was nonplussed by the fact that I was wearing khaki (not black!) pants. Clearly she was very "old school." However it didn't take us long at all to establish a real connection. Despite the fact that I was most definitely different from my predecessor - and from her expectations - she saw that I was trying to serve the Lord - and her. As our relationship deepened I relished any opportunity to help her with some of difficulties in her life. She became one of those people of whom I can honestly say that I was blessed to have had the opportunity to minister. (Of course every person to whom one ministers is a blessing, but I trust dear reader that you know what I mean!)

Her reaction when I rang her doorbell in the late afternoon yesterday was priceless and reminded me of why I love being a priest. There is no greater feeling than to realize that you have been able to bring joy to another human being. That joy coming not ultimately from oneself, but rather from the One whom one represents - Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. May He be praised forever and ever unto ages unending. Amen.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Malta Thoughts ...

Just to make clear to those who may be unsure ...

I only post "hate emails' for the rather unchristian reason of mocking the ludicrousness of such people. I really don't let myself get disturbed by such nonsense. But I get irritated by their delusional notion that they represent 'true' catholicism. And any good 'orthodox' Catholic would realize that many Saints made it quite clear that it was quite sinful to speak against priests; PRAY for them, do not criticize.

Now I have no illusions ... I need LOTS of criticism! But nothing will help me nearly as much as PRAYERS!

To all those who regularly pray for me and for all priests I offer a great big THANK YOU!

Monday, July 27, 2009

Hate Mail From Malta Part II

Another missive from my dear friend in Malta. I think he would be appalled to realize that he basically commits heresy in his helpful comments. But then again ...

And let's not even bring up the whole "massage of God' thing. Not sure what's up with that.

daniel johnston

I challenge you to post this here e-mail on your website.

Do you not think that this is displeasing to Christ this, punk priest lifestyle. So Saint Paul used pagan poets, but he did that to send out his message: you on the other hand do not do it to send the massage of God. You do it to seem famous, as an excuse to listen to rock music.

What about the picture of those newly weds on your website? Don't you think that the bride is wearing clothing that is improper in front of Jesus in the Eucharist?

And the bookshelf? I found no True devotion to the Blessed Virign, no Secret of the Rosary, no Glories of Mary, no Imitation of Christ, no story of a soul and no famous spiritual books. In fact, the Blessed Mother seems to be missing on your website. She is scarcely mentioned and if our Lady is mentioned, it is only to name a feast or a parish or to show a picture of the Holy Family.

And how is your example supposed to make the little one's love Jesus and Mary? Why don't you spread the message of our Lady of Fátima? Or preaching the Rosary and the Brown scapular. You know what Saint Louis de Montfort said'' To Jesus through Mary!". In fact devotion to our Blessed Mother is the thing that pleases Jesus the most, even more than the Eucharist!

Please give me an answer.

Sunday, July 26, 2009


On the way to my dad's this afternoon I had one of those revelatory moments that seem to strike out of the blue, one of those "a-ha!" moments when that which one knows to be intellectually true is suddenly felt in the very core of one's being. As I drove the twists and turns of Route 201 I found myself contemplating the gifts with which God has abundantly blessed me, especially those which serve me so well in ministry. Invariably, as soon as such thoughts enter my mind, I almost immediately am overcome with the realization that I am completely undeserving of anything from Him. The older I get, the more I lose the zealousness of my youth, the more overpowering this sense of complete unworthiness becomes. I compare the priest I am now to the priest I was (or more accurately - imagined myself to be!) in years gone by. Inevitably I decide that, rather than ascending towards the summit of priestly perfection with the passing of the years, I have been sliding steadily downhill. This realization serves only to deepen the guilt I feel when pondering God's gifts. It was in the midst of these guilt-filled thoughts that God made me to understand, in my heart, that all His gifts are just that - GIFTS. Nothing I have received has come because of my own efforts, my own worthiness, my own holiness. I have absolutely nothing to do with any of it. It is ALL His doing. How liberating to know that I do not have to earn anything from God! How free this knowledge leaves me to live a life of loving gratitude to the God Whose generosity knows no bounds!

Monday, July 20, 2009

A Sign?

Sometime around 5 this afternoon I visited my 9th communion call of the day. I had done 5 this morning after Mass and before heading off for a few hours of fun hauling stuff to Geibel. Then after visiting the funeral home for a Vigil Service I managed 4 more. Beverly was the last of the day. In the course of our conversation she asked if I would be interested in an angel or two. She had been collecting Roman's Seraphim Angel figurines and had amasses quite a collection (hundreds by my reckoning). She decided it was time to "cull the herd" and wanted to dispose of all but her favourites. I was happy to take her up on her offer and after perusing the proffered selection chose a beautiful trumpet-blowing angel named Annalisa. I was happy to take one of the angels because my mother collected them as well. However, it wasn't until that moment that it struck me that this very day was the eve of the tenth anniversary of her passing from this earthly life. How appropriate to be offered such a gift today of all days! And I could not help but take comfort in the fact that this particular figurine was titled Joyful Spirit.

Ministry Moments

Events like a parish festival provide lots of opportunity for ministry. Yesterday those opportunities were flowing at the end of the festival and immediately afterwards, starting at the beer wagon and continuing at the SOKOL club. Several people began talking with me at the beer wagon as things were winding down. Questions related to marriage and comments about needing to "get down to church" quickly entered the conversations. I was then introduced to a young, non-Catholic who wouldn't believe that I was the priest. Apparently he couldn't conceive of anything other than a fat, balding 60 year old in the role! He, and the older gentleman who introduced us, invited me to come up to the SOKOL club. The young man, I'm told, was further shocked that I actually showed up there. Glad that I did. Several more fruitful conversations about annulments and getting back to church ensued.

Go out and meet the people where they are; we cannot sit back and wait for them to come to us.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Festival Review

Well, it's 10:49 and time to reflect on the day. The weather could not have been better - sunny and warm. Great crowds. All seemed to have a good time. All in all I am very happy with the day. Total receipts may be down a little bit from last year, but without the car show that isn't a total surprise. The important thing is that people came together, worked together, and had fun together. As far as I am concerned parish festivals and such are primarily community-building events; if they raise money that is merely an added bonus.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Tomorrow, tomorrow...

Things are looking good for tomorrow's parish festival. If the weather-persons are accurate (yes, that does occasionally happen!) it should be an absolutely perfect day - sunny and upper 70s. Sure beats the heat and afternoon downpours of the past two festivals! I am hoping the weather will bring record crowds. My only concern is that the lack of a car show this year might negatively effect numbers. I'm not expecting that to be the case. POSITIVE thinking in ALL things!

As I sit in my summer office (the porch or, more accurately, stoop) typing this I am amazed at how cool it is getting. A good omen for tomorrow I trust.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

God bless Mrs. Melenyzer!

Those who weren't physically here this weekend may not yet have heard of the incredible blessing that came our way. Let me recount the story ...

Friday afternoon I had gone on the Yough River Trail with my classmate, Fr. Mike Sikon. When I returned to the office I noticed that there was a thick business-size envelope on my chair (the place where my erstwhile secretary places my mail and messages so that i don't miss them). From a distance it looked like any envelope from the Marriage Tribunal containing marriage papers. the only problem - I didn't have any papers outstanding. Upon closer inspection I saw that this mysterious envelope was posted from a law office. I immediately thought to myself "Self, what comes in a thick envelope from a lawyer's office? Wills of course! " (Call me an eternal optimist but the other possibility - lawsuits - never crossed my mind.)

The envelope contained the Last Will and Testament of Mrs. Rose Sweeney Melenyzer. Additionally, there was a cheque in the amount of $50.000,00 made out to St. John the Baptist Parish from the estate. A careful reading of the cover letter revealed that the cheque was but an advance payment as the estate was not yet settled; most likely more is in the offing.

Please keep Rose, her family, and her intentions, in your prayers. Her memory will most certainly always be honoured here at St. John's!

Give her eternal rest O Lord
and may perpetual Light shine upon her.
May her soul and the souls of all the faithful departed rest in peace.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

I'm bad at this!

OK, I admit, I'm not that disciplined with this blogging thing right now. I get excited about it and blog for a bit. Then my attention gets diverted elsewhere. It may be the adult-onset ADHD that I swear that I have somehow contracted.

LOTS of exciting things this past week, as I am sure that you have already read elsewhere on the web site. The first phase of The Baptist's Garden (or whatever we ultimately choose to call it) has been completed. The Statue of John the Baptist - from the original church, meaning it is over 100 years old - forms the centrepiece. I just hope we have adequately weatherproofed him. Certainly he will need to come in for the winter. The sanctuary has also been painted, to mixed reviews of course. Any major environmental change like that will take time for some people to accept. I did hear lots of positive remarks, though.

Feel free to let me know what you think. I can take constructive criticism and contrary opinions! Just realize that if you have only seen the pictures on this site, you aren't getting the full effect. In my humble opinion, it looks much better in person!

As always, I can be reached at

God bless!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

The Garden of the Baptist

Our most devoted gardeners at St. John have embarked on the landscaping of the front of the church. We brought up the 100+ year old statue of John the Baptist from the basement to see where he would be placed in the garden. Now he is being repaired and sealed against the elements. I can't wait to see how it all looks when it is done!

Today's hate mail ...

... all the way from Malta! I feel honoured!

Name=Daniel Johnston
Subject=On your priestliness
Comments=Excuse me for being so rude but, is this not blasphemous. This is not the conduct of a priest who should be working for God to please him and not the world. What do you think Jesus is saying when he is seeing you making a mockery of the mass with rock songs and all. Were rock songs present at Calvarly? No!

And I can see that you are not a Marian devottee because, if you were, you would be doing this outrage. I suggest saying the Rosary everyday with attention and meditationg on the mysteries. Read Saint Louis de Montforts book, Secret of the Rosary, and Saint Alphonsus ligouri's book, The Glories of Mary and The Same Louis de Montfort's book, True Devotion. I also see that Mary is not present on your website.
Fix this outrage immediatly!