Tuesday, July 14, 2009

I'm bad at this!

OK, I admit, I'm not that disciplined with this blogging thing right now. I get excited about it and blog for a bit. Then my attention gets diverted elsewhere. It may be the adult-onset ADHD that I swear that I have somehow contracted.

LOTS of exciting things this past week, as I am sure that you have already read elsewhere on the web site. The first phase of The Baptist's Garden (or whatever we ultimately choose to call it) has been completed. The Statue of John the Baptist - from the original church, meaning it is over 100 years old - forms the centrepiece. I just hope we have adequately weatherproofed him. Certainly he will need to come in for the winter. The sanctuary has also been painted, to mixed reviews of course. Any major environmental change like that will take time for some people to accept. I did hear lots of positive remarks, though.

Feel free to let me know what you think. I can take constructive criticism and contrary opinions! Just realize that if you have only seen the pictures on this site, you aren't getting the full effect. In my humble opinion, it looks much better in person!

As always, I can be reached at thepunkpriest@gmail.com.

God bless!